Beauty of Myanmar

You will arrive to Yangon airport and be welcomed by our journey staff and you will be brought to hotel. Yangon is the most industrialized and the most bustling city of Myanmar. Amaze yourself with the colonial heritage which is left-over after the invasion of British. Upon a brief fresh up commence Yangon city tour.

Beauty of Myanmar ( Wings Code – 010 )
Yangon – Mandalay – Inle – Loikaw – Kalaw – Yangon( 11 Nights / 12 Days )

Day 1

Yangon Arrival

You will arrive to Yangon airport and be welcomed by our journey staff and you will be brought to hotel. Yangon is the most industrialized and the most bustling city of Myanmar. Amaze yourself with the colonial heritage which is left-over after the invasion of British. Upon a brief fresh up commence Yangon city tour. Highlight; down town Yangon with its faded colonial atmosphere such as central post office, historic Strand hotel, custom house and high court to observe the colonial heritage in Yangon,then city center where Sule Pagoda located to see the bustling life of Yangon and City Hall.Proceed to visit the most magnificent and spectacular religious edifice, Shwedagon Pagoda before the sun set and enjoy the beauty stupa while it changes the shining of gold in different tones according to the radiant of the setting sun. Overnight at the hotel in Yangon.

Day 2

Yangon – Mandalay

Breakfast at hotel and transfer to airport for your Mandalay bound flight <approx 1 hour 20 minute>. Mandalay <founded 1857 by king Mindon> is the last kingdom as well as the center of the Myanma cultural, tradition, arts and crafts has long been known as a centre of skilled craftsmanship and in former times supplied the royal courts. A four of traditional workshops includes crafts such as woodcarving, marble masonry, Kalaga tapestry and gold leaf making etc. Overnight in Mandalay.

Day 3

Mandalay – Mingun

Have breakfast at hotel and leave for Mayan Chan jetty which is often busy with buffaloes logging the Myanmar’s super teak and watch the people who are working with Bamboo rafting. Cross Ayeyarwaddy River by local fishermen boat to arrive to Mingun. Observe the world’s biggest ringing bell established by Bodawpaya in 1080. The bell is said to be weighed 55555 vises which is equal to 90 tons as well as MingunPahtodawgyi, a huge pile of bricks which is the remains of King’s Bodawpaya ambition to build the world’s largest Buddha image. Other places you should also explore Settawya Pagoda with a marble foot print of Buddha and Shin Byu Me pagoda which are built in 19 century by King Bagyidaw, Bodawpaya’s grandson. Return to Mandalay and go sightseeing and walk around the bottom of the Mandalay hill. We can walk up stairs or drive up to Mandalay hill for a wonderful scene of the whole city. Overnight in Mandalay.

Day 4


Have breakfast at hotel and visit Phayagyi to observe the most revered Mahamyatmuni Pagoda which was brought by King Bodawpaya in 1784 from Rakine. The 4 meter cross-legged Image was believed to have been castled in 1st century and it is now over 15 meters thicker by offering gold leaf. The Mahamyatmuni daily face washing ceremony which you shouldn’t miss held from 4am every day. After a visit to stone carving, bronze casting and silk weaving process continue to ancient capital of Amarapura, it means “city of immortality”. Go to Mahagandayon Monastery, a home of several thousands of Buddhist navies and monks and learn the way they have lunch. Pay a short visit of 200 years old U Bein teak bridge, built in 1782 when Amarapura was a capital. Places where you must go and explore: unique monasteries and monuments including a look at 88 feet high watchtower, Bargaya teak monastery was built in 1834 which is famous for its teak pillar amounted up to 267 in total and the remains of the royal palace and fort. Enjoy fantastic sunset view from the 200 year old U Bein teak bridge span across Thaungthaman Lake <built in 1782> at the time when Amarapura was Royal capital.Go back to Mandalay and stay overnight in Mandalay.

Day 5

Mandalay – Heho – Inle

After morning breakfast, transfer to airport for flight to Heho, proceed to drive NyaungShwe. Upon arrival, you will be picking up and start exploring in Inle Lake ( by boat ) to PhaungdawOo Pagoda, the most venerable pagoda on the lake(Live Water Lake), which houses 05 images of Buddha completely gilded, In Paw Khon village to observes the silk weaving, handicrafts, and Ywama Village with long neck people(Pataung Ethnic) etc. And proceed sightseeing to Jumping Cat Monastery (NgaHpeChaung Monastery) which is situated at the western part of theInleLake.And stayovernight in NyaungShwe.

Day 6


After breakfast, start the trip to Indein villages where enjoy the green firms, and proceed to Htanpai village where Pao people live there. And proceed to Bamboo villages that you can see the streams and 1050 pagodas which were built 17th Century ago and other tourist sites. And proceed to YwamagyiMonestry, Kyaesarkone village which is fishing village and the Natural Floating Garden where grow Vegetables and Fruits on the surface of the Inle Lake.And preceed sightseeing to KhaungDaing hot springs .After all, come back to the hotel and overnight at the Hotel.

Day 7

Sagar – Loikaw

After breakfast, Set off this morning for Sagar, the far southern region of Inle Lake. Very few tourists make the trip down to this region yet it is one of the most beautiful places in the Shan State with the mountains forming a backdrop for the small villages and fishermen on the water. The area was only recently opened to tourists in 2003. Upon arriving in Sagar area there are several stops that will be made. The main highlights for many travelers are the ‘sunken’ stupas of Sagar- 108 stupas from the 16-17th centuries that are partially underwater for a few months a year. There is also a local monastery and village that can be visited here. Continue to the village of Thaya
Gone, home to Pa-Oh, Shan and Inthar people. Watch the process of distillation and then sample some of the local brew if you wish. There is also the chance to climb to the top of a small hill which there are great views of the lake and surrounding villages. Another stop will be made in Sae Khaung Pottery Village to see the crafting of oil and water
pots as well as the natural, underground kilns used by the villagers. On the western shores of the Sagar area is Tar Kaung, a series of more than 200 stupas which also make a fabulousphoto stop. Continue to a small town named as Phe-khon. On the way, we will stop at several villages to observe the way of life. Arrive at Phe-khon, drive to Lokaw by car about an hour and 30 minutes drive. If time permits, enjoy panoramic and sunset view from hill of Taungkwe Zeti, famous land mark of the area. Overnight in Loikaw.

Day 8


After breakfast, visit a local market at Loikaw; capital of Kayah State and still remain as an untouched attraction where you can observe traditional ways of life of Kayah national races and the area’s landmark like Ngwe Daung Dam and extension to nearby villages like Sunboon Padaung village, Htay Thama Dawsawbi Kayah village, and some more villages depending on situation to see most unusual Kayah tribes ladies wearing  brass rings around their extra ordinary long neck, Kayah traditional weaving industry and wonderful ritual flagstaffs of Nat (spirit) worshipers and visit Kayah state museum. Overnight at in Loikaw.

Day 9

Loikaw  – Kalaw

After breakfast, drive to Kalaw. On the way, stops at tea leaf plantations, a village. Proceed to Kalaw and enroute to Myinmahti natural cave where many thousands of Buddha images and stupas are housed. Overnight in Kalaw.

Day 10


Take a short walking tour of centre town to visit the local market, Hnee pagoda, the tiny train station, colonial buildings and and perhaps the old catholic church (if open). In the afternoon, being transferred by car to the Myin Ma Hti village to see the ethinic Pa-O and Danu ethnic people. They all worked with ox and buffalo, no machine no tractor. Unbelievable to see people working a huge field with man power and animal. The Myin Ma Hti’s villagers are farmers 100% earn their living on agriculture. Return to your hotel, enjoythe nature beauty on the way.

Day 11

Heho – Yangon

We are heading back down country today to return to the airport at Heho for our flight to Yangon. Check in at airport and fly back to Yangon. Upon arrival, check in at hotel. In the afternoon, visit BogyokeAung San Market (Scott’s Market), where one can buy many items in one place. Bogyoke Market was built in British colonial times and has a colonial shape. In the evening, enjoy the breathtaking sunset from Botahtuaung pagoda which are very special pagoda since there’s Buddha’s hair inside these pagodas,Overnight at the hotel in Yangon.

Day 12


After breakfast at hotel, you will be transferred to Yangon International airport for your return international departure flight. On the way back, enroute stop at Kyauktawgyi pagoda , which is one of the biggest marble Buddha Images in Myanmar with a height of 37ft (11m) and a weight of weighs over 600 tons. The classical name of this Image is Lawkachantha Abaya Labamuni, meaning World Peace and Prosperity. This Sitting Buddha Image is curved out from a single marble stone. The giant stone was found in the Sakyin region, Medaya Township in Mandalay Division. The draft sculpture was carried through the Ayeyarwaddyriver down to Yangon. Then it was finally touched up. The sculpting and the enshrining got completed in 2008 and located in Insein. After that, we will transfer you to Yangon airport for your departure flight and conclude this wonderful travelling experience.


*** Happy Joys to Travel ***

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