Hsipyaw Trekking Trip

You will arrive to Yangon airport and be welcomed by our journey staff and you will be brought to hotel. Yangon is the most industrialized and the most bustling city of Myanmar. Amaze yourself with the colonial heritage which is left-over after the invasion of British.Upon a brief fresh up commence Yangon city tour.

Hsipyaw Trekking Trip ( Wings Code – 013 )
Yangon – Mandalay – Mingun – Hsipaw – Palaung Hill Tribe Village, Tea Plantation, Shan Village – Maymyo – Mandalay – Yangon
( 10 Nights / 11 Days )

Day 1

Yangon Arrival

You will arrive to Yangon airport and be welcomed by our journey staff and you will be brought to hotel. Yangon is the most industrialized and the most bustling city of Myanmar. Amaze yourself with the colonial heritage which is left-over after the invasion of British.Upon a brief fresh up commence Yangon city tour. Highlight; down town Yangon with its faded colonial atmosphere such as central post office, historic Strand hotel, custom house and high court to observe the colonial heritage in Yangon, then city center where Sule Pagoda located to see the bustling life of Yangon and City Hall. In the afternoon, visit BogyokeAung San Market (Scott’s Market), where one can buy many items in one place. Bogyoke Market was built in British colonial times and has a colonial shape. Proceed to visit the most magnificent and spectacular religious edifice, Shwedagon Pagoda before the sun set and enjoy the beauty stupa while it changes the shining of gold in different tones according to the radiant of the setting sun. Overnight at the hotel in Yangon. Enjoy dinner with cultural at Karaweik palace. Stay overnight at the Hotel in Yangon.

Day 2

Yangon – Mandalay

Breakfast at hotel and transfer to airport for your Mandalay bound flight . Mandalay is the last kingdom as well as the center of the Myanma cultural, tradition, arts and crafts has long been known as a centre of skilled craftsmanship and in former times supplied the royal courts. A four of traditional workshops includes crafts such as woodcarving, marble masonry, Kalaga tapestry and gold leaf making etc. Overnight in Mandalay.

Day 3

Mandalay – Mingun

Have breakfast at hotel and leave for Mayan Chan jetty which is often busy with buffaloes logging the Myanmar’s super teak and watch the people who are working with Bamboo rafting. Cross Ayeyarwaddy River by local fishermen boat to arrive to Mingun. Observe the world’s biggest ringing bell established by Bodawpaya in 1080. The bell is said to be weighed 55555 vises which is equal to 90 tons as well as MingunPahtodawgyi, a huge pile of bricks which is the remains of King’s Bodawpaya ambition to build the world’s largest Buddha image. Other places you should also explore Settawya Pagoda with a marble foot print of Buddha and Shin Byu Me pagoda which are built in 19 century by King Bagyidaw, Bodawpaya’s grandson. Return to Mandalay and go sightseeing and walk around the bottom of the Mandalay hill. We can walk up stairs or drive up to Mandalay hill for a wonderful scene of the whole city. Overnight in Mandalay.

Day 4

Mandalay – Hsipaw

Early morning we drive you to the train station for a trip to Hsipaw. You observe rural life styles as the train stops at train stations. On the way to Hsipaw, we pass the world famous “Gokteik Bridge”, constructed by British colonialists in 1901. Gokteik was once the longest railway trestle in the world. We pick you up at Hsipaw, a small town traditionally ruled by the Sawbwa who are Chieftains of region. You enjoy an evening stroll in this small town and stay overnight in Hsipaw.

Day 5


After breakfast, we start sightseeing in Hsipaw. Tour highlights are Central Market, one of the best markets to visit in all of Myanmar. Shans, Kachins, and other tribals come here to trade regularly. You tour Hsibaw Haw that is well known as Shan Lord Palace; the BawgyoPaya that is 8 Km out of town in the direction of Mandalay and is a revered Shan pagoda. Overnight in Hsipaw.

Day 6

Palaung Hill Tribe Village, Tea Plantation, Shan Village

After breakfast in your hotel you will be met by your guide. Walk through Hsipaw, rice paddies, multi-denominational cemeteries, and along a stream hosting a number of improvised power plants on a flat terrain for about 2 hours. Next 3-4 hours is a steady climb on a rocky road among the beautiful mountainous landscape, seasonal crops, Shan villages, and a tea plantation. The climb is not too steep, as the villagers are able to go up and down on their motorbikes. Eat lunch in the village and learn about traditional lifestyle of Palaung Hill Tribe (Mon Kaumer) whose women still wear their traditional costumes. Eat dinner with the Palaung family and spend the night in their traditional home.

Day 7

Shan Village –Hsipaw

After breakfast, trek down to yet another interesting Tai (Shan) village for lunch. In the afternoon walk along farther Tai villages down the slope, and eventually reach the highway. A pick-up truck will take you back to the hotel from here.

Day 8


We drive to PyinOoLwin. This is pretty hill resort that was established by the British as a cool retreat from the Myanmar plains in the hot summers. On the way to PyinOoLwin, we stop at a very pleasant picnic spot, Peik Chin Myaung Cave. It is near the Wetwun village. Another highlight of the town is the PweKauk Fall which is about 8 Km from the town. During the British times, it was called Hampshire Falls. After the Fall, we visit the beautiful National Kandawgyi Garden. This is about 50-acre in size that houses 4840 trees, mostly varieties of pines, 575 different floral species and many exotic fruits and flowers. You have a free evening to walk around the down town area and stroll past Scottish and British cottages. You stay overnight in Pyinoolwin.

Day 9

Maymyo – Mandalay

After breakfast we enjoy the highlights of Amarapura before reaching our hotel in Mandalay. You tour the Mahaghandhayon Monastery where a special ceremony of alms-food offering is performed for novices and monks. You see the U Pin Bridge, an old wooden bridge across Lake Taungthaman. We go to the Mahamuni Image, a sacred Buddha statue that was cast 2500 years ago. We eat lunch on the way back to the hotel where we rest for some time. In the late afternoon, we drive to see some craft. We continue our tour of Mandalay and visit the Royal Palace. This is the palace of the last Myanmar King Thipaw before he was captured by the British in 1885 and taken to India. We tour the Kuthodaw pagoda which is known for housing the world’s largest book, 729 pieces of and stone inscriptions that document the whole Buddhist doctrine. We see Mahaatulawaiyan, Atumashi or the incomparable Stucco carving Monastery and the Golden palace monastery. This was formerly an old chamber whose whole ceiling with gilded with gold. We drive you up to Mandalay Hill where you have a chance to relax, view Mandalay and enjoy the sunset. You stay overnight in Mandalay.

Day 10

Mandalay – Yangon

Breakfast at hotel and rest of the day at your leisure. Late afternoon transfer to airport for your Yangon bound flight. Upon arrival at Yangon meet and greet by your driver and transfer to your hotel. In the evening , enjoy the breathtaking sunset from Botahtuaung pagoda which are very special pagoda since there’s Buddha’s hair inside these pagodas, Have fun going around downtown and to enjoy our modernized city life as well as pay a visit to China town. Overnight in Yangon.

Day 11


After breakfast at hotel, you will be transferred to Yangon International airport for your return international departure flight.Visit to “Chaukhtathgyi Pagoda” it is the fourth largest colossal reclining image in Myanmar and 67m long. On the way back, enroute stop at Kyauktawgyi pagoda , which is one of the biggest marble Buddha Images in Myanmar with a height of 37ft (11m) and a weight of weighs over 600 tons. The classical name of this Image is Lawkachantha Abaya Labamuni, meaning World Peace and Prosperity. This Sitting Buddha Image is curved out from a single marble stone. The giantstone was found in the Sakyin region, Medaya Township in Mandalay Division. The draft sculpture was carried through the Ayeyarwaddy river down to Yangon. Then it was finally touched up. The sculpting and the enshrining got completed in 2008 and located in Insein. After that, we will transfer you to Yangon airport for your departure flight and conclude this wonderful travelling experience.


*** Happy Joy To Travels ***

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